WBA Walgreens Boots Alliance

WBA Overall Summary (last 24h)
10 +900%
68 +6,700%
mentioning users
7 +600%
WBA Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: than x3 only x2 more x2 revenue x2 nvda x2 year x2 chilling x1 milly x1 thanks x1 smiles x1 re x1 down x1 mean x1 oil x1 went x1
WBA Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: than x3 only x2 more x2 revenue x2 nvda x2 year x2 chilling x1 milly x1 thanks x1 smiles x1 re x1 down x1 mean x1 oil x1 went x1
WBA Overall mentions (last 24h)
WBA mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H WBA (Walgreens Boots Alliance) was mentioned 10 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 7 different users.
Walgreens Boots Alliance received 63% positive comments versus 37% negative comments.
Most comonly the WBA ticker was associated with the keywords: "than","only","more","revenue","nvda"