
Data collection

ApeWisdom scans the most popular stock and cryptocurrency sub reddits twice an hour to look for recent submission and comments.
Currently we track: If you think we should add another sub please write an e-mail to:

Ticker detection

ApeWisdom will detect Tickers in a comment or submission if they are written in uppercase letters. For example: AMD, BTC, AAPL, or if they are preceeded with a dollar sign.
For example: $aapl, $AAPL, $btc.
If a ticker is present two or more times in a submission or a comment this will still be counted as a single mention.
This can lead to some issues, as there are stocks/cryptos with tickers such as CFO, or YOLO. In such case only $CFO/$cfo and $yolo/$YOLO will be counted.
In addition only stocks/cryptos that are listed on Infinite Marketcap will be shown.