VZ Verizon

VZ Overall Summary (last 24h)
2 -71%
mentioning users
2 +100%
VZ Overall Sentiment
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: title x1 puts x1 vz x1 dumpster x1 fire x1 content x1 should x1 steal x1 bunch x1 customers x1 ni x1 people x1 pinching x1 pennies x1 drill x1
VZ Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: title x1 puts x1 vz x1 dumpster x1 fire x1 content x1 should x1 steal x1 bunch x1 customers x1 ni x1 people x1 pinching x1 pennies x1 drill x1
VZ Overall mentions (last 24h)
VZ mentions on WSB (last 24h)