VOO Vanguard S&P 500 ETF

VOO Overall Summary (last 24h)
51 -31%
282 -21%
mentioning users
45 -31%
VOO Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: like x6 years x4 buying x4 vti x4 money x4 bought x4 even x3 buy x3 roth x3 put x3 schd x3 stocks x3 well x3 qqq x3 funds x3
VOO Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: buying x2 money x2 stick x1 walk x1 away x1 isn x1 yep x1 home x1 account x1 vti x1 sucks x1 seeing x1 ve x1 heard x1 performed x1
VOO Overall mentions (last 24h)
VOO mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H VOO (Vanguard S&P 500 ETF) was mentioned 10 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 9 different users.
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF received 66% positive comments versus 34% negative comments.
Most comonly the VOO ticker was associated with the keywords: "buying","money","stick","walk","away"