VC Visteon

VC Overall Summary (last 24h)
6 +200%
82 -1,467%
mentioning users
6 +100%
VC Overall Sentiment
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Nearby keywords: ever x1 increasing x1 amount x1 support x2 best x1 european x1 sabotagey x1 sizeable x1 speak x1 certain x1 japanese x1 exactly x1 hedge x2 funds x2 quants x2
VC Sentiment on WSB
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Nearby keywords: certain x1 japanese x1 exactly x1 hedge x2 funds x2 quants x2 watch x1 youtube x1 tiktoks x1 people x1 learn x1 firm x1 owner x1 liked x1 brought x1
VC Overall mentions (last 24h)
VC mentions on WSB (last 24h)