SP SP Plus Corporation

SP Overall Summary (last 24h)
37 +54%
70 -83%
mentioning users
35 +84%
SP Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: beat x9 returns x3 hard x3 pretty x2 investing x2 average x2 thinking x2 better x2 isn x2 years x2 market x2 year x2 month x2 every x2 up x2
SP Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: average x1 yearly x1 returns x1 under x1 dems x1 thought x1 taking x1 back x1 inflation x1 pandemic x1 right x1
SP Overall mentions (last 24h)
SP mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H SP (SP Plus Corporation ) was mentioned 3 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 4 different users.
SP Plus Corporation received 80% positive comments versus 20% negative comments.
Most comonly the SP ticker was associated with the keywords: "average","yearly","returns","under","dems"