SP SP Plus Corporation

SP Overall Summary (last 24h)
23 +44%
52 -64%
mentioning users
18 +13%
SP Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: bearing x3 whatsoever x3 more x2 stock x2 back x2 options x2 etf x2 part x2 keep x2 nasdaq x2 up x2 dry x1 powder x1 anytime x1 drops x1
SP Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: bearing x3 whatsoever x3 options x2 part x2 keep x2 comparing x1 btc x1 like x1 gold x1 words x1 regarded x1 meaning x1 bet x1 otm x1 call x1
SP Overall mentions (last 24h)
SP mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H SP (SP Plus Corporation ) was mentioned 12 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 11 different users.
SP Plus Corporation received 67% positive comments versus 33% negative comments.
Most comonly the SP ticker was associated with the keywords: "bearing","whatsoever","options","part","keep"