SP SP Plus Corporation

SP Overall Summary (last 24h)
16 -53%
72 -52%
mentioning users
16 -52%
SP Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: nvda x4 amd x3 much x2 than x2 goog x2 sacrificing x2 boost x2 forward x2 pe x2 wait x1 downgrade x1 debt x1 again x1 pass x1 lol x1
SP Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: wait x1 downgrade x1 debt x1 again x1 amd x3 pass x1 lol x1 crawl x1 towards x1 spy x1 past x1 nvda x4 poggers x1 actually x1 higher x1
SP Overall mentions (last 24h)
SP mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H SP (SP Plus Corporation ) was mentioned 7 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 7 different users.
SP Plus Corporation received 57% positive comments versus 43% negative comments.
Most comonly the SP ticker was associated with the keywords: "wait","downgrade","debt","again","amd"