SFM Sprouts Farmers Market

SFM Overall Summary (last 24h)
12 +20%
32 +33%
mentioning users
12 +100%
SFM Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: beat x3 happened x3 earnings x2 revenue x2 img x2 emote x2 th x2 low x2 volume x2 gains x2 hell x2 sprouts x2 farmers x2 market x2 inc x2
SFM Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: beat x3 happened x3 earnings x2 revenue x2 img x2 emote x2 th x2 low x2 volume x2 gains x2 hell x2 sprouts x2 farmers x2 market x2 inc x2
SFM Overall mentions (last 24h)
SFM mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H SFM (Sprouts Farmers Market) was mentioned 12 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 12 different users.
Sprouts Farmers Market received 17% positive comments versus 83% negative comments.
Most comonly the SFM ticker was associated with the keywords: "beat","happened","earnings","revenue","img"