SF Stifel

SF Overall Summary (last 24h)
4 +300%
49 +1,125%
mentioning users
5 +400%
SF Overall Sentiment
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Nearby keywords: cars x1 only x1 ever x1 work x1 parts x1 ca x1 working x3 like x2 charm x2 most x2 part x2 big x2 well x1 training x1 courier x1
SF Sentiment on WSB
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Nearby keywords: cars x1 only x1 ever x1 work x1 parts x1 ca x1 working x3 like x2 charm x2 most x2 part x2 big x2 well x1 training x1 courier x1
SF Overall mentions (last 24h)
SF mentions on WSB (last 24h)