RR Richtech Robotics

RR Overall Summary (last 24h)
12 +50%
277 +2,208%
mentioning users
10 +11%
RR Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: drew x1 further x1 left x1 doesn x1 care x1 target x1 should x1 trade x1 took x1 tp x1 wanted x1 win x1 rate x1 good x1 profitable x1
RR Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: gang x1 checking x1 rycey x1
RR Overall mentions (last 24h)
RR mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H RR (Richtech Robotics) was mentioned 1 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 1 different users.
Richtech Robotics received 100% positive comments versus 0% negative comments.
Most comonly the RR ticker was associated with the keywords: "gang","checking","rycey"