PT Pintec Technology

PT Overall Summary (last 24h)
14 +40%
50 +67%
mentioning users
13 +30%
PT Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: barnum x2 dude x1 calling x1 feb x1 lmao x1 positions x1 yea x1 say x1 thats x1 term x1 gambled x1 set x1 out x1 move x1 never x1
PT Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: dude x1 calling x1 feb x1 lmao x1 positions x1 term x1 gambled x1 set x1 out x1 move x1 barnum x2 never x1 wrong x1 showman x1 modern x1
PT Overall mentions (last 24h)
PT mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H PT (Pintec Technology) was mentioned 6 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 7 different users.
Pintec Technology received 100% positive comments versus 0% negative comments.
Most comonly the PT ticker was associated with the keywords: "dude","calling","feb","lmao","positions"