PST Invesco Capital Management LLC - PowerShares UltraShort Lehman 7-10 +

PST Overall Summary (last 24h)
4 +33%
10 -44%
mentioning users
5 +25%
PST Overall Sentiment
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Nearby keywords: pm x2 est x1 thought x1 china x1 honest x1 mistake x1 pooh x1 sleepy x1 messaging x1 wolframalpha x1 com x1 input x1 close x1 yesterday x1 between x1
PST Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: pm x2 est x1 thought x1 china x1 honest x1 mistake x1 pooh x1 sleepy x1 messaging x1 wolframalpha x1 com x1 input x1 close x1 yesterday x1 between x1
PST Overall mentions (last 24h)
PST mentions on WSB (last 24h)