OI O-I Glass

OI Overall Summary (last 24h)
5 +150%
22 +633%
mentioning users
4 +33%
OI Overall Sentiment
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: exit x1 viewing x1 robinhood x1 only x1 showing x1 seeing x1 much x1 puts x2 expiring x1 friday x1 looking x1 position x1 oh x1 thought x1 updated x1
OI Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: exit x1 viewing x1 robinhood x1 only x1 showing x1 seeing x1 much x1 puts x2 expiring x1 friday x1 looking x1 position x1 oh x1 thought x1 updated x1
OI Overall mentions (last 24h)
OI mentions on WSB (last 24h)