NNE NANO Nuclear Energy

NNE Overall Summary (last 24h)
15 +36%
84 +500%
mentioning users
13 +8%
NNE Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: smr x5 nuclear x3 oklo x3 down x2 drop x2 much x2 ura x2 news x2 manipulation x1 success x1 price x1 ah x1 small x1 energy x1 others x1
NNE Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: smr x5 oklo x3 down x2 drop x2 much x2 ura x2 news x2 nuclear x2 manipulation x1 success x1 price x1 ah x1 content x1 thank x1 ulr x1
NNE Overall mentions (last 24h)
NNE mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H NNE (NANO Nuclear Energy) was mentioned 12 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 10 different users.
NANO Nuclear Energy received 33% positive comments versus 67% negative comments.
Most comonly the NNE ticker was associated with the keywords: "smr","oklo","down","drop","much"