MARA Marathon Digital Holdings

MARA Overall Summary (last 24h)
15 +50%
20 +18%
mentioning users
10 +67%
MARA Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: bet x2 cubuffguy x2 past x2 calls x2 rgti x1 bbai x1 fubo x1 don x1 say x1 looks x1 good x1 banbet x1 created x1 goes x1 before x1
MARA Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: bet x2 cubuffguy x2 past x2 calls x2 rgti x1 bbai x1 fubo x1 don x1 say x1 banbet x1 created x1 goes x1 before x1 mar x1 green x1
MARA Overall mentions (last 24h)
MARA mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H MARA (Marathon Digital Holdings ) was mentioned 13 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 8 different users.
Marathon Digital Holdings received 82% positive comments versus 18% negative comments.
Most comonly the MARA ticker was associated with the keywords: "bet","cubuffguy","past","calls","rgti"