MAG MAG Silver

MAG Overall Summary (last 24h)
22 -87%
mentioning users
12 +50%
MAG Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: worst x2 companies x2 qqq x2 tsla x1 need x1 leave x1 year x1 boys x1 orange x1 man x1 bit x1 take x1 sale x1 didnt x1 invest x1
MAG Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: tsla x1 need x1 leave x1 year x1 boys x1 orange x1 man x1 bit x1 take x1 sale x1 didnt x1 invest x1 isnt x1 smart x1 worst x2
MAG Overall mentions (last 24h)
MAG mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H MAG (MAG Silver) was mentioned 7 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 7 different users.
MAG Silver received 100% positive comments versus 0% negative comments.
Most comonly the MAG ticker was associated with the keywords: "tsla","need","leave","year","boys"