IBKR Interactive Brokers

IBKR Overall Summary (last 24h)
16 -6%
15 -72%
mentioning users
17 +21%
IBKR Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: like x3 desktop x2 tradingview x2 deposit x1 remember x1 minimum x1 platofrm x1 better x1 than x1 flair x1 question x1 nyse x1 exchange x1 regulation x1 stop x1
IBKR Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: keep x1 news x1 tab x1 opened x1 brokerage x1 financials x1 company x1 like x1 hood x1 both x1 eligible x1 currently x1 estimates x1 interactive x1 brokers x1
IBKR Overall mentions (last 24h)
IBKR mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H IBKR (Interactive Brokers ) was mentioned 3 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 4 different users.
Interactive Brokers received 60% positive comments versus 40% negative comments.
Most comonly the IBKR ticker was associated with the keywords: "keep","news","tab","opened","brokerage"