GME GameStop

GME Overall Summary (last 24h)
7 -22%
20 -9%
mentioning users
8 -20%
GME Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: play x1 out x1 like x1 assume x1 ones x1 shorting x1 ve x1 through x1 squeeze x1 others x1 left x1 during x1 tried x1 regulate x1 retail x1
GME Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: left x1 during x1 tried x1 regulate x1 retail x1
GME Overall mentions (last 24h)
GME mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H GME (GameStop ) was mentioned 1 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 1 different users.
GameStop received 57% positive comments versus 43% negative comments.
Most comonly the GME ticker was associated with the keywords: "left","during","tried","regulate","retail"