GLP Global Partners LP

GLP Overall Summary (last 24h)
33 +1,550%
121 +1,917%
mentioning users
28 +833%
GLP Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: market x5 shortage x4 drugs x4 only x3 small x3 revenue x3 fda x3 up x3 people x2 pretty x2 exact x2 replicas x2 off x2 around x2 compounded x2
GLP Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: shortage x3 pretty x2 off x2 revenue x2 around x2 drugs x2 market x2 fda x2 approved x2 up x2 holders x1 through x1 ending x1 times x1 sure x1
GLP Overall mentions (last 24h)
GLP mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H GLP (Global Partners LP) was mentioned 15 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 14 different users.
Global Partners LP received 58% positive comments versus 42% negative comments.
Most comonly the GLP ticker was associated with the keywords: "shortage","pretty","off","revenue","around"