GLD SSgA Active Trust - SSgA SPDR Gold Shares

GLD Overall Summary (last 24h)
12 +140%
54 +500%
mentioning users
9 +50%
GLD Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: port x2 buy x2 swing x2 trade x2 instability x2 up x1 every x1 protection x1 calls x1 saving x1 buying x1 slv x1 title x1 moon x1 content x1
GLD Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: port x2 buy x2 swing x2 trade x2 instability x2 up x1 every x1 protection x1 calls x1 saving x1 title x1 moon x1 content x1 alright x1 safest x1
GLD Overall mentions (last 24h)
GLD mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H GLD (SSgA Active Trust - SSgA SPDR Gold Shares) was mentioned 9 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 6 different users.
SSgA Active Trust - SSgA SPDR Gold Shares received 86% positive comments versus 14% negative comments.
Most comonly the GLD ticker was associated with the keywords: "port","buy","swing","trade","instability"