ET Energy Transfer Partners

ET Overall Summary (last 24h)
19 +280%
40 +186%
mentioning users
17 +183%
ET Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: pm x3 play x2 announcement x2 aph x2 flex x2 infrastructure x2 bought x2 likely x1 referring x1 energy x1 last x1 call x1 check x1 out x1 nat x1
ET Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: announcement x2 pm x2 infrastructure x2 likely x1 referring x1 energy x1 last x1 call x1 check x1 out x1 nat x1 gas x1 play x1 up x1 stocks x1
ET Overall mentions (last 24h)
ET mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H ET (Energy Transfer Partners ) was mentioned 13 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 12 different users.
Energy Transfer Partners received 91% positive comments versus 9% negative comments.
Most comonly the ET ticker was associated with the keywords: "announcement","pm","infrastructure","likely","referring"