DJT Trump Media & Technology Group

DJT Overall Summary (last 24h)
246 -5%
1,007 -54%
mentioning users
215 +4%
DJT Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: calls x29 guy x26 stock x16 img x15 emote x13 puts x13 money x13 grandpa x11 lost x10 buy x10 th x9 options x8 like x7 before x7 trump x7
DJT Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: calls x29 guy x26 stock x16 img x15 emote x13 puts x13 money x13 grandpa x11 lost x10 buy x10 th x9 options x8 like x7 before x7 trump x7
DJT Overall mentions (last 24h)
DJT mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H DJT (Trump Media & Technology Group) was mentioned 244 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 214 different users.
Trump Media & Technology Group received 57% positive comments versus 43% negative comments.
Most comonly the DJT ticker was associated with the keywords: "calls","guy","stock","img","emote"