DEA Easterly Government Properties

DEA Overall Summary (last 24h)
21 +2,000%
2,297 +229,600%
mentioning users
19 +1,800%
DEA Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: head x5 slow x3 marijuana x2 walking x2 next x2 won x2 half x2 down x2 knows x2 title x1 msos x1 tlry x1 judge x1 cancels x1 accusations x1
DEA Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: head x5 slow x3 marijuana x2 walking x2 next x2 won x2 half x2 down x2 knows x2 title x1 msos x1 tlry x1 judge x1 cancels x1 accusations x1
DEA Overall mentions (last 24h)
DEA mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H DEA (Easterly Government Properties) was mentioned 21 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 19 different users.
Easterly Government Properties received 75% positive comments versus 25% negative comments.
Most comonly the DEA ticker was associated with the keywords: "head","slow","marijuana","walking","next"