DC Dakota Gold

DC Overall Summary (last 24h)
6 -40%
16 -99%
mentioning users
6 -45%
DC Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: random x1 maga x1 politicians x1 profit x1 silicon x1 valley x1 washington x1 looking x1 houses x1 priced x1 stupidly x1 admission x1 bar x1 meaning x1 condolences x1
DC Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: silicon x1 valley x1 washington x1 looking x1 houses x1 priced x1 stupidly x1 admission x1 bar x1 meaning x1 condolences x1 massive x1 dump x1 news x1 wiped x1
DC Overall mentions (last 24h)
DC mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H DC (Dakota Gold) was mentioned 5 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 5 different users.
Dakota Gold received 50% positive comments versus 50% negative comments.
Most comonly the DC ticker was associated with the keywords: "silicon","valley","washington","looking","houses"