CPG Crescent Point Energy

CPG Overall Summary (last 24h)
5 +400%
55 +1,733%
mentioning users
6 +200%
CPG Overall Sentiment
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: them x1 operate x1 like x1 normal x1 businesses x1 ll x1 flip x1 cents x1 without x1 reverse x1 splits x1 trash x1 flying x1 vapes x1 edibles x1
CPG Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: them x1 operate x1 like x1 normal x1 businesses x1 ll x1 flip x1 cents x1 without x1 reverse x1 splits x1 trash x1 flying x1 pepsi x1 yes x1
CPG Overall mentions (last 24h)
CPG mentions on WSB (last 24h)