BABY PishPosh

BABY Overall Summary (last 24h)
11 -8%
71 +18%
mentioning users
10 -17%
BABY Overall Sentiment
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Nearby keywords: img x7 emote x7 th x6 drill x5 tesla x2 owners x1 dine x1 sauteed x1 organs x1 nice x1 puts x1 printing x1 money x1 earths x1 fucking x1
BABY Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: img x7 emote x7 th x6 drill x5 tesla x2 owners x1 dine x1 sauteed x1 organs x1 nice x1 puts x1 printing x1 money x1 earths x1 fucking x1
BABY Overall mentions (last 24h)
BABY mentions on WSB (last 24h)