AT Atlantic Power Corporation

AT Overall Summary (last 24h)
13 +63%
155 +384%
mentioning users
14 +56%
AT Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: like x2 bers x2 img x2 emote x2 tesla x2 content x2 sell x2 open x2 jobs x1 pay x1 stuff x1 more x1 pm x1 customers x1 amazon x1
AT Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: bers x2 img x2 emote x2 tesla x2 content x2 sell x2 open x2 jobs x1 pay x1 stuff x1 more x1 pm x1 follow x1 verizon x1 yesterday x1
AT Overall mentions (last 24h)
AT mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H AT (Atlantic Power Corporation ) was mentioned 12 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 13 different users.
Atlantic Power Corporation received 50% positive comments versus 50% negative comments.
Most comonly the AT ticker was associated with the keywords: "bers","img","emote","tesla","content"