MSTR MicroStrategy tokenized stock FTX

MSTR Overall Summary (last 24h)
6 +50%
6 +20%
mentioning users
6 +20%
MSTR Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: account x2 btc x2 etfs x2 sheltered x1 accounts x1 used x1 spend x1 more x1 saylor x1 doing x1 exactly x1 selling x1 right x1 buy x1 roth x1
MSTR Sentiment on r/CryptoCurrency
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: saylor x1 doing x1 exactly x1 selling x1 right x1 btc x2 eth x1 etfs x2 buys x1 etc x1 november x1 market x1 changing x1 account x1 lot x1
MSTR Overall mentions (last 24h)
MSTR mentions on r/CryptoCurrency (last 24h)
During the last 24H MSTR (MicroStrategy tokenized stock FTX) was mentioned 2 times on r/CryptoCurrency by a total of 2 different users.
MicroStrategy tokenized stock FTX received 75% positive comments versus 25% negative comments.
Most comonly the MSTR ticker was associated with the keywords: "saylor","doing","exactly","selling","right"