MSTR MicroStrategy tokenized stock FTX

MSTR Overall Summary (last 24h)
83 -28%
545 -9%
mentioning users
73 -26%
MSTR Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: like x8 bitcoin x8 buy x7 price x5 btc x5 saylor x5 buying x5 only x5 gains x4 up x3 more x3 bond x3 stocks x3 out x3 than x3
MSTR Sentiment on r/CryptoCurrency
Nearby keywords: only x5 saylor x4 like x4 buying x4 price x4 bitcoin x4 buy x4 out x3 than x3 gains x2 more x2 position x2 hit x2 hard x2 missed x2
MSTR Overall mentions (last 24h)
MSTR mentions on r/CryptoCurrency (last 24h)
During the last 24H MSTR (MicroStrategy tokenized stock FTX) was mentioned 47 times on r/CryptoCurrency by a total of 39 different users.
MicroStrategy tokenized stock FTX received 59% positive comments versus 41% negative comments.
Most comonly the MSTR ticker was associated with the keywords: "only","saylor","like","buying","price"