HBAR Hedera Hashgraph

HBAR Overall Summary (last 24h)
12 +50%
27 +1,250%
mentioning users
9 +50%
HBAR Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: ada x6 xrp x5 run x3 btc x3 maybe x2 bull x2 eth x2 forgot x1 even x1 started x1 yet x1 gotten x1 more x1 attention x1 trading x1
HBAR Sentiment on r/CryptoCurrency
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: ada x6 xrp x4 bull x2 run x2 btc x2 forgot x1 trading x1 xlm x1 fet x1 jasmy x1 maybe x1 floki x1 showing x1 strong x1 performance x1
HBAR Overall mentions (last 24h)
HBAR mentions on r/CryptoCurrency (last 24h)
During the last 24H HBAR (Hedera Hashgraph) was mentioned 9 times on r/CryptoCurrency by a total of 8 different users.
Hedera Hashgraph received 100% positive comments versus 0% negative comments.
Most comonly the HBAR ticker was associated with the keywords: "ada","xrp","bull","run","btc"