CT CommunityToken

CT Overall Summary (last 24h)
8 +100%
28 -77%
mentioning users
9 +125%
CT Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: fallen x1 whole x1 influencer x1 conjured x1 up x1 somewhere x1 else x1 years x1 folks x1 reddit x1 trump x1 token x1 many x1 foreign x1 noise x1
CT Sentiment on r/CryptoCurrency
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: years x1 folks x1 reddit x1 trump x1 token x1 many x1 foreign x1 noise x1 bs x1 rant x1 degen x1 minutes x1 later x1
CT Overall mentions (last 24h)
CT mentions on r/CryptoCurrency (last 24h)
During the last 24H CT (CommunityToken) was mentioned 3 times on r/CryptoCurrency by a total of 4 different users.
CommunityToken received 100% positive comments versus 0% negative comments.
Most comonly the CT ticker was associated with the keywords: "years","folks","reddit","trump","token"