CDC Commerce Data Connection

CDC Overall Summary (last 24h)
11 -61%
43 -61%
mentioning users
10 -63%
CDC Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: cro x2 don x2 right x2 done x2 fees x2 basket x1 etfs x1 realistically x1 prints x1 tokens x1 re x1 problem x1 though x1 slow x1 rugging x1
CDC Sentiment on r/CryptoCurrency
Nearby keywords: cro x2 don x2 right x2 done x2 basket x1 etfs x1 realistically x1 prints x1 tokens x1 re x1 problem x1 though x1 slow x1 rugging x1 told x1
CDC Overall mentions (last 24h)
CDC mentions on r/CryptoCurrency (last 24h)
During the last 24H CDC (Commerce Data Connection) was mentioned 10 times on r/CryptoCurrency by a total of 9 different users.
Commerce Data Connection received 40% positive comments versus 60% negative comments.
Most comonly the CDC ticker was associated with the keywords: "cro","don","right","done","basket"