ET Energy Transfer Partners

ET Overall Summary (last 24h)
13 +63%
22 +57%
mentioning users
8 -11%
ET Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: transcode x5 therapeutics x5 announces x5 pm x3 trading x2 need x2 until x2 regular x1 hours x1 between x1 et x1 something x1 pushes x1 least x1 friday x1
ET Sentiment on WSB
Nearby keywords: need x2 something x1 pushes x1 least x1 friday x1 djt x1 puts x1 calls x1 else x1 until x1 market x1 close x1 pm x1 additional x1 minute x1
ET Overall mentions (last 24h)
ET mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H ET (Energy Transfer Partners ) was mentioned 4 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 3 different users.
Energy Transfer Partners received 33% positive comments versus 67% negative comments.
Most comonly the ET ticker was associated with the keywords: "need","something","pushes","least","friday"