TD Toronto Dominion Bank

TD Overall Summary (last 24h)
5 -38%
31 +138%
mentioning users
6 -33%
TD Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: schwab x2 ameritrade x2 loved x2 iv x1 atm x1 content x1 ever x1 stopped x1 making x1 swim x1 record x1 every x1 trade x1 calculating x1 win x1
TD Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: robinhood x1 fidelity x1 schwab x2 formerly x1 ameritrade x2 honestly x1 prefer x1 hands x1 down x1 frankly x1 loved x2 migrated x1 again x1 turn x1 off x1
TD Overall mentions (last 24h)
TD mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H TD (Toronto Dominion Bank) was mentioned 2 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 3 different users.
Toronto Dominion Bank received 67% positive comments versus 33% negative comments.
Most comonly the TD ticker was associated with the keywords: "robinhood","fidelity","schwab","formerly","ameritrade"