EU enCore Energy

EU Overall Summary (last 24h)
12 -8%
44 +300%
mentioning users
EU Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: uk x2 coders x1 america x1 nearly x1 brazil x1 russia x1 china x1 only x1 usa x1 looking x1 south x1 korea x1 bough x1 gdp x1 growth x1
EU Sentiment on WSB
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: brazil x1 russia x1 china x1 only x1 usa x1 looking x1 south x1 korea x1 bough x1 gdp x1 growth x1 than x1 expected x1 cut x1 rates x1
EU Overall mentions (last 24h)
EU mentions on WSB (last 24h)
During the last 24H EU (enCore Energy) was mentioned 6 times on WallstreetBets by a total of 6 different users.
enCore Energy received 33% positive comments versus 67% negative comments.
Most comonly the EU ticker was associated with the keywords: "brazil","russia","china","only","usa"