FTX FintruX Network

FTX Overall Summary (last 24h)
30 -21%
mentioning users
8 -27%
FTX Overall Sentiment
Nearby keywords: crypto x2 collapsed x2 title x1 bybit x1 next x1 content x1 amf x1 warns x1 severely x1 affected x1 bankruptcy x1 losing x1 half x1 end x1 had x1
FTX Sentiment on r/CryptoCurrency
Not enough data to calculate a sentiment
Nearby keywords: severely x1 affected x1 bankruptcy x1 losing x1 half x1 end x1 had x1 around x1 full x1 time x1 arrows x1 capital x1 summary x1 auto x1 generated x1
FTX Overall mentions (last 24h)
FTX mentions on r/CryptoCurrency (last 24h)
During the last 24H FTX (FintruX Network) was mentioned 7 times on r/CryptoCurrency by a total of 5 different users.
FintruX Network received 33% positive comments versus 67% negative comments.
Most comonly the FTX ticker was associated with the keywords: "severely","affected","bankruptcy","losing","half"